Warner's TheoBlog

Thoughts from a disciple who writes

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The Word – Christmas cogitation part 1

As we head toward Christmas there is more to consider than cards, gifts and food. As a Christian, Christmas is the festival that celebrates God interceding in the life of the world. The book of Genesis shows us the Creation of the world and the Christmas story shows us the beginning of the re-Creation of the world.

God Created the human race to live in relationship with him. The human race were blessed to walk in the perfect garden with the Creator of the universe, to name the animals and live in total freedom within that relationship. Yet humanity fell, when it chose the action and path of independence over dependence, and sought equality with God rather than unity with God.

This is the inconvenient truth that resides behind the Christmas story and makes Christmas necessary.

The Creation of the world began with a word.

“And God said, “Let there be light”” (Gen 1:3)

From the word of light came the context within which everything else could come into being. Without the light of the presence of God, nothing else makes sense.

The re-Creation of the world also begins with a word.

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (Gen 1:1)

The Word, which is Jesus, is the instigation and beginning of the re-Creation of the fallen world.

The solution to the problems of the world cannot be found in politics or philosophy, which are simply ideas that find their root in the separation of humanity from God. It is in the Word of God that the world, and therefore the relationship between God and humanity, is re-Created. Without the Word there is no light to lead us back to intimate relationship with the Father, Creator God.

The person of Jesus is the only path to reconciliation with God. A Word from God is the only thing that can begin Creation and, therefore, the only thing that can begin re-Creation. Thus… the Word of God!

The birth of Jesus was the plan of God for the salvation of the world. It is through the Word that the world is re-Created. Let there be… LIFE.